NSFW: Not Safe For Work, means +18 content.
SFW: Safe For Work, means is safe for all ages.

What i do:


SFW / NSFW / Furry / Mecha / RPG Design / Muscles / Vore / Scat / Guro / R / WINchester / etc / etc / "ETC"
feel free to ask :3


CHUBBY (”pregnancy and “vore belly” are OK)


*For more than 7 characters for games, you receive one basic for free.
*For more than 6 pages, you receive 1 free cover.


*MORE details means MORE price, that's why i need a full detailed list.

*Payments are always full upfront. (except when the pieces take more than one month) (stick and circles pre-sketch can be delivered for free if necessary)

*Paypal Fee have to be included 5.9% (you can also buy one slot on my gumroad, but tell me first)

*I will tell you the delivery time once i receive all the details, it's not always the same (weekly, biweekly or monthly only).

*Possible delays of one day or two at max, otherwise i will contact you.

*Send all the details you like, because i don't do changes/modifications ("more of this" "less of that") to sketches unless i forget something. For time reasons.

*Once the sketch it's approved, you won't hear from me until the delivery day. I don't send advances, unless i need to show you the lineart to check details/corrections.
(the reason is that i work on the piece in just one day not in different times)

*No refunds (never did one but just in case)

(1) basic clothing means jeans, tshirt etc, “isekai/fantasy” clothing adds more price depending on what it is.

Feel free to contact me:

Email: aya_yany@hotmail.com

Twitter: @ayayanagisawa

DeviantArt: Aya Yanagisawa

Instagram SFW: Aya_alpaca [almost not used]